Do you want to lose weight, quickly and healthily?
The service we provide is perfect for you.
Between the trainers at Healthy 4 U we have completed some of the best courses world-wide, courses that have enabled us to help our Clients lose lots of weight in a healthy way, as quickly as possible.
We have over 70 years of experience (there is not many of us by the way:) and we have helped 1590 clients and counting achieve their weight loss goals. If you are searching for a weight loss solution & considering personal training as an option then I’m going to demonstrate why our approach works and works long term.

If you are like most people you might be looking at different options, things like weight loss clinics, detox programs, or even weight loss surgery. All of these options miss out one or two of the key elements you need for long term weight loss, the kind of weight loss that comes fast without damaging your health and that stays off.

It’s like baking a cake without using yeast or a gluten free yeast alternative:) It’s not going to taste good, I certainly wouldn’t want to eat it! These are the systems we have for weight loss and all you have to do is to look at our testimonials page to see how well it works. or check the homepage for lots of before/after pictures of Clients that were just like you.
1. Changing your Lifestyle & Self image.
2. Whole-istic Diet system
3. Metabolic Booster Training
4. Holistic Health Coaching

Probably the most important thing we do is we help you change who you are as a person, we help you get into a habit of exercise, lifestyle management and diet so that when you stop with us, its natural for you to continue. At that point you know all you need to know about the world best systems for FAST weight loss AND you are a different person so not exercising, eating well and taking care of your diet most of the time is unusual, wouldn’t that be amazing?

You might be thinking that that’s great but I just want to lose my extra weight, I understand, however consider the alternative if you don’t change your self image to someone who takes care of their diet, lifestyle and movement then you will just stop trying again and gain weight.
Then you will be caught in the yo–yo dieting trap of losing weight, feeling great then putting it all back on again and feeling and looking terrible. This can go on your whole life, is that the way you want to live your life??….. really?? There are a number of ways we help our Clients incorporate diet, lifestyle and exercise as part of their self image and create real lifestyle changes. Just believe me when I say “it works”.

Anyway on to our other systems for effective and long term weight loss…..
If you are only following a diet to lose weight then there is a very high risk that you will not lose weight, you are leaving out exercise and lifestyle changes. You could smoke saying you might get hit by a car tomorrow and die but why risk it, if weight loss is important to you then you need to ensure you are at the very least doing all the essential elements involved.
When you exercise with a personal trainer from Healthy 4 U you will learn our Metabolic Booster training system that delivers almost magical results, it does three things:

1. Raises your metabolism for up to 72 hours, yes you heard that right: 72 hours, that’s a REALLY long time! 2. You will burn up to 794 calories in one session, that is serious. 3. You will gain muscle tone, depending on the research paper you read for each extra kilo you gain can burn up to an extra 500 Kcals per week, even our female Clients gain 4 kilos in 4 months (and you cannot see it as getting bulky, just as muscle tone), 4 kilos would mean you will be burning an extra 2000 calories a week, WOW!

The really unique thing we do is our Holistic Lifestyle Coaching
Not everyone realises but a lot of people, in my experience; approximately 90% of people have a imbalance in at least one of their 6 foundational health systems that is acting as a blocking factor to slow down or stop weight loss.
Is your….
– Sleep
– Digestion,
– How you handle stress
……. stopping you losing weight or did it make you fat in the first place?
If you don’t have enough quality rest (watching the TV is not healthy rest), work too hard, if you are sleeping after 11pm or you are sleeping badly, if you have any acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, gas or burping then it WILL be blocking your weight loss. I won’t go into the science just now as that is reserved for our complimentary consultations but believe me I have seen over 300 people that until we got their health back into balance they couldn’t lose weight, even with a great diet and ultra effective and consistent exercise.

Our Healthy 4 U whole-istic Diet System works in combination with the other 3 systems like a dream. Its not an unrealistic system but one that you can incorporate into your daily life without too much hassle, especially once we have coached you how to do it effectively. Then we are also on hand to guide you and keep you motivated.

The system is based on a Paleolithic diet system but that is only one part of it, it is designed so you know exactly how to choose the right foods, at the right times, in the right proportion to give you the foods you need to be healthy and lose kilo after kilo of body fat.

We have had Clients that have lost upwards of 5 kilos in the first 2 weeks, then they consistently lose 1 or more kilos a week after that until they achieve their goal weight.

Paleo food is the kind of food we are genetically programmed to eat and to make us super healthy i.e. not overweight. We ate as cavemen/cavewoman for approximately 92% of our time on this planet, and it doesn’t contain any heavy carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta etc, i.e. the stuff that is perfect for gaining fat!

Its not just the type of foods to eat to lose weight but it’s how to calculate the right amount of water to drink, how to not overeat naturally, without counting calories, when to have the occasional cheat meal, how to eat right for you in that moment so you give your body exactly what it needs for that meal or snack, this and so much more.

Get in touch today for a free consultation.
Remember there is no commitment involved, we just give you great information for free that will help you lose weight.

Tim Garrett
Healthy 4 U
“Transforming Lives Through Health and Fitness”
Tel: +971 052 699 3955
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