A Huge Boost To Your Confidence Levels, How you Look and How You Feel.


Have you believed the lies?

Are you looking slim and feeling on top of the world?

If not, then I’m here for you.

There are very powerful companies that do all they can do to keep you ill and overweight, in 2017 the top 10 earned 85.2 billion dollars NET profit, namely the pharmaceutical companies.

Did you know the thyroid is the NUMBER 1 metabolism Booster?

In this cheat sheet I’ll give you the very best weight loss strategies from my 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industry….

That will help you lose weight as fast as possible, as healthily as possible.


1. Have 2 to 3 orange juices every day

Did you know the easily usable sugars from orange juice, because it also has very powerful insulin controlling potassium in, is one of the most critical must-have ingredients you need from your diet to produce the metabolism boosting thyroid hormones T3, progesterone, and pregnenolone?

The amazing thing about orange juice is that it’s pumped into the cells without causing a blood sugar rise and its here, within the cells that it goes about its amazing job of boosting your metabolism.

It also has some incredible anti-stress and anti-inflammation compounds – narigens and naringenins

This tip will help EVEN IF: you haven’t got a thyroid problem.


2. Eat Paleo food BUT include the juice I’ve mentioned above

What is paleo? Check out this quick start guide and meal planner here : https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/paleo-diet-meal-plan-and-menu (skip the part where it says to avoid fruit juices, even the ‘so called experts’ sometimes get it wrong)

My advice is to do 14 days without any cheat meals, then 1 cheat meal a week after that until you see that magic number on the scales


3. Have 1 tablespoon of coconut oil every day

Also only cook with coconut oil.

Coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride (what this means to you and I, is that your body does not store it as fat, it uses it as energy straight away).

This turns your body into a fat burning furnace.

It also has a host of health benefits.

I’ve seen some people lose 0.5 kg of body fat every week with NO extra exercise or any other diet changes, for 10+ weeks using this simple strategy.


4. Avoid Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA’s)

These are in oils like canola, corn and sunflower oil, they are also in nuts, seeds and things like almond milk and flaxseed oil.

PUFA’s directly inhibit cytochrome C oxidase, who’s role it is to energise cells, this has a direct effect, causing you to burn less calories.


5. No #2 every day?! – Have a Grated Carrot a DAY to keep the Doctor Away

Anything that shuts down your digestive system or makes it less effective will have a drastic effect on your weight loss efforts.

You see 20% of your master weight loss hormone, T3 is converted from the inactive T4 in the liver.

You can think of this process like waking up in the morning, your cells go through the same process when your digestive system works well.

If it doesn’t they slog along, dragging their heals, the same happens to your metabolism and weight loss efforts.


6. Do weights more than you do cardio

Why do you think Olympic sprinters look like Greek Gods and Goddesses and Olympic marathon runners look like they have just escaped from a concentration camp?

It’s because there are a whole host of benefits from doing a metabolism raising weights circuit, one of the most crucial being that it raises your metabolism (the amount of calories you burn) for up to 72 hours!

Aim to do Tabata training or a series of 8 to 12 exercises followed by a 4 minute rest and repeat 3 times in a one hour training session.


7. Set Goals

I’m not talking about any old crappy goal setting process I’m talking about going to the best expert for success that has ever lived, my mentor Tony Robbins.

Check out his goal setting, motivation and super actionable video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qmfpa4l4ks


8. Get excited about those goals

In your hands you have the power to influence all those around you in a positive way, if you have children you’ll know what I mean, if you don’t then you’d be surprised the positive impact you can have in the world.

As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”, the intention of this is that as an example showing us that we all have the power, Gandhi certainly did.

Create a list of 20 or more reasons why you want to achieve your goals, it must be 20, not 17 or 18 but 20 or more, there is something very magical about 20 or more ideas, the list takes on a power of its own and the reasons on paper develop emotion and momentum!


9. Get to bed on time

I know this sounds like a challenge but believe me, from someone who always went to bed late, the boost in productivity and wellness pays for itself a million times over.

You See: When you go to bed late, even if you get 8 hours of sleep every night you will experience an upside-down hormone production chart.

Let me explain, when you go to bed late you will overproduce cortisol, the hormone that stresses the body, reduces thyroid function, increases inflammation and slows your metabolism.

This is the opposite of how it should be when you go to bed on-time.

At the same time, you will reduce testosterone, this hormone triggers a set of other repair and metabolism boosting hormones.

If you are going to bed very late try to work your sleep time back by 15 minutes every week.


10. Exercise BUT not too much

I always tell my Clients that if you are healthy then exercising for 3 to 5 hours a week is great, however if your body is not balanced no matter how much exercise you do you will NOT lose weight.

Everything depends on your health and metabolism: When you overstress your body through too much exercise or too much of anything for that matter your hormones will make your body burn less calories than you eat – always.

If you’re feeling exhausted – why don’t you try meditation or a walk in nature, you know what? My mentor Paul Check has had Clients lose 2kgs a week from doing just that – when you’re getting healthy your body has no need to hold onto what it sees as emergency energy supplies – calories and fat.


I hope you enjoyed the cheat sheet.

If you would like 1-1 motivation to achieve your goals and an expert that has helped thousands of people lose weight to give you the step-by-step guide and hold your hand until you see the magic number on the scale then…

Get in Touch!


I hope you make the only REAL choice today, the only SMART and savvy choice and get in touch for a highly applicable, no hassle, no commitment, super strategy 15-minute coaching session today.

Kind Regards,

Tim Garrett.
– BTEC ND in Sports Science.
– Holistic Lifestyle Level 2.
– Founder of the Thyroid Truth Diet and coach to over 1000 successful low thyroid weight loss Clients.

tel: 00971 52 699 3955