What Not to Eat and Why

Hi There,

I am a personal trainer and health coach from Dubai in the UAE. I own a personal training and health coaching company here in Dubai that I am in the process of expanding. We have some fantastic information to offer you.

Our mission is:

“To transform as many peoples lives through health and fitness as possible, affecting our Clients and all those around them.”

Healthy 4 U Dubai

I really hope that you will receive some awesome information that will make a huge difference in your life.

I have had the fortune to have a massive impact on some of my Clients lives through the coaching I have been able to do with them about how to train, eat, drink, think, sleep, breath, digest and detox. I want to use this blog as a platfom to share my thoughts, insights and knowledge.

Let me know what you think.

Warm Regards,

Tim Garrett.
Tel: +971 052 699 3955.
Email: tim@dubai-personal-training.com
Facebook page: facebook.com/Healthy4udubai
+Healthy 4 U