Be Healthy. Be Safe.
A lot of people are worried right now and rightly so, the world hasn’t seen anything like this for years.
However, it doesn’t have to be that way.
There are solid steps you can take to take care of yourself and your loved ones.
What is that?
Its the missing link when it comes to a healthy, strong and protective immune system.
In this blog post I am going to give you some pointers and tips to help you and I am going to open up 15 of my ‘Immune Boost’ consultations.
The KEY question to ask yourself is what causes the foundational imbalance of the immune system?
What causes your bodies ability to fight foreign invaders to down-regulate so your body is left open to attack?
What decreases your bodies defense systems (white T-cells, B lymphocytes and your bodies detoxification system) ?
In a normal state your body would be strong and firing on all cylinders. In a stressed state your body lowers its protection functions and causes your defenses down.
So its Stress? Yes, but its not that simple…
There’s loads of forms of stress remember, not just psychological and emotional, there.s 7 sources in fact.
And do you want to know what the worst type is?
…Its stress that down-regulates your thyroid BECAUSE that drastically lowers your immune defense.
You see when the thyroid system down-regulates, then that directly effects the T-cell mediated responses which are a critical part to immune system health.
Here’s one of many references on the thyroids critical immune boosting strength:
REMEMBER — you don’t have to have a Hypothyroidism problem to have lowered immune system health and even hypothyroidism effects 800,000,0000 people in the world.
So What Is Our Immune System Boost Plan About?
- Its a 1 hour consultation were we’ll do a deep dive into your heath history and current health status.
- You’ll get a 60 question questionnaire to fill out before you see us, that will help us do the investigative work before you see us
- We’ll unlock at least 7 things you can do starting today to increase your immune system health and be safe and be protected
- Another result = You will increase your energy and feel on top of the world, ready to fight any challenge.
This is all backed up by a DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE
If for whatever reason you are not 100% happy with what you have learned or the results, just say so or email and I will give you all your money back PLUS 100% more.
Sound great? Cool, Here’s what you need to do if you dont want to miss out.
Call me straight away to book your session or if you have any questions.
Spaces are limited so DON’T miss out.
Kind Regards,
Tim Garrett.
Holistic Lifestyle Coach (Advanced) fro the CHEK Institute.
BTEC ND in Sports Science
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